Sunday, June 8, 2008

Day 8

So much for blogging every day. Oh well.

I'm hanging in there. Just had the sweetest bed time with the girls. We sang (one at the top of her lungs) a lullaby my mom taught them: May you always walk in sunshine, slumber warm when night winds blow. May you always live with laughter for a smile becomes you so, etc.

My brother came to stay over last night to "help out" and keep me company and he proceeded to get fall down drunk. sigh. He is getting worse. I'm not letting him stay over ever again. Unless he gets himself into recovery. I've been going to Al-Anon (for relatives of alcoholics)...both for how to deal with my brother, but also since I was raised in an alcoholic home and have some patterns I'm trying to change. This really is a time of growth and sometimes painful introspection. But I know it's all towards wholeness, healing and authenticity. And good parenting.

My sunflowers are already peeking their sprouts above the soil. That was fast!! Very satisfying.


Terri said...

Wow, sorry about your brother. I have similar issues in my family....recovery is a good thing, so I hope he finds it soon. You are right when you say, "This really is a time of growth and sometimes painful introspection. But I know it's all towards wholeness, healing, and authenticity. And good parenting."

Iris said...

Prayers for your brother. Wow.

I just tagged you for a meme at my place. Play if you want, no big whoop!

Jan said...

I'm glad you're going to Al-Anon. AT one period in my life I went for six years. There's a lot of wisdom there that I still try to recall.

Di said...

Hey, sweetie.

Al-Anon is fantastic, I've met some of the best people in the world there.

We haven't heard from you in a while... how are you?
