Monday, May 12, 2008

What is happening to the world

Just feeling dumbfounded this morning. What with Myanmar, and now the earthquake in just seems out of control. How are we to respond to such devastation. Where is God in this? Just feeling tenuous this morning. So much pain in this world. And so little (really) in mine.


Terri said...

I think I read in John MacQuarrie, a Scottish Anglican Theologian, this idea about God creating the world out of that swirling mass of chaos: into the chaos God reached and pulled forth the chaos ordering it into land and water and air, day and night, etc... but as God created order out of chaos a tiny remnant of chaos managed to squeek through. God named this remnant of chaos "free-will." Free will continues to manifest itself, working against God's desire for order and well being. Free will exists in humans as we work against God's desire. ANd free will exists in nature, manifesting as things like earthquakes, cyclones, and disease - all working against God's desire for order, all causing chaos to ensue....but ALWAYS into the chaos God continue to scoop and pull forth order...the chaos will not win but it does still appear from time to time...

that's how I manage to live through these horrible things - the free will of nature causing chaos - BUT somehow, in some way, God will reach in and work to bring forth order, healing, and wholeness....

Grace thing said...

Thanks, Mompriest. I really like that. I've been meaning to read spiritual director thought I'd enjoy him.

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

i'm asking some of the same questions... and have a distinct feeling they will end up being part of the sermon.

RevDrKate said...

I'm with you in these feelings, and Mompriest, appreciate your comments as well.