Tuesday, June 26, 2007

back from the mountain

I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted! Just shows how much has been going on. I had an incredible 24 hours at the monastery. Wow. Just all that delicious silence and gardens and libraries and bells. I must share this poem that was on the wall. It so speaks to me:

A Prayer to the God who Fell From Heaven

If you had stayed
tightfisted in the sky
and watched us thrash
with all the patience of a pipe smoker,
I would pray
like a golden bullet
aimed at your heart.
But the story says
you cried
and so heavy was the tear
you fell with it to the earth
where like a baritone in a bar
it is never time to go home.
So you move among us
twisting every straight line
into Picasso,
stealing kisses from pinched lips,
holding our hand in the dark.
So now when I pray
I sit and turn my mind
like a television knob
till you are there
with your large open hands
spreading my life before me
like a Sunday tablecloth
and pulling up a chair yourself;
for by now
the secret is out.
You are home."
- John Shea

All for now. There's just too much...must do it in pieces...


Terri said...

Very good. John Shea has written a lectionary series on the Sunday texts for each of the three years called, "The Spiritual Wisdom of the Gospels for Christian Preachers and Teachers." (and then a subtitle for each book year A, B, and C). I read him every week. He pushes and nudges me in ways I may not consider going otherwise. I love his imagery.

Glad you got to go away for renewal!

Diane M. Roth said...

great poem! thanks for sharing! I'll be back.

Iris said...

What an incredible experience. I am going to copy down that poem. How beautiful!

Terri said...

barb knew the Ciardi poem you referred to on my blog. come over and read it!

Jan said...

Thank you for the beautiful poem! It is even nicer, knowing you found it while you were on retreat. Peace.

Di said...

Gorgeous-- but now I've been waiting for days for the rest of the story! How are you?